
I’ve had some wonderful opportunities lately to spread the word about The History of My Body, appearing on Connie Martinson Talks Books and being interviewed the past few days on radio talk shows, among them WKNY-AM with Warren Lawrence, WXBR-AM with Ron Van...

Ring the Sleigh Bells That Still Can Ring

Today I’m thrilled to participate in the first annual Sleigh Bells and Ink Wells Blog Hop organized by authors Smoky Trudeau Zeidel and Patricia Damery. If you scroll to the bottom of this post, you’ll find directions to the blogs of eleven fascinating writers I know...

The Bird’s the Word

It’s the crows again. I might as well rename this blog Corvine Central. Not on my roof this time, knocking tins of cat food against my skylights or – scarier still – pecking to get in. Not dragging their slick black tail feathers against grass and pavement in...

You Wear It Well

No way to feign being blasé about this one: this past Sunday I had the joyous experience of launching The History of My Body, my first published novel after twenty-six years of writing fiction. The event was a rousing success – there was a gratifyingly packed house at...